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Due Diligence an Overview

Due Diligence: An Overview

Due Diligence (“DD”) is a critical step in the process of purchasing a business. It typically involves procedures to assess the Quality of Earnings (“QoE”),

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New Canadiam Tax Reporting Requirements

New Canadian Trust Reporting Requirements

In December 2022, legislative amendments brought significant changes to the reporting obligations for certain express trusts in Canada. The rules determining the requirement for trusts to submit an annual T3 Trust Income Tax and Information Return (“T3 Return“) have been revised for trusts with a taxation year after December 30, 2023. In particular, bare trusts, which were previously exempt from filing obligations, may now be required to file an annual T3 Return, unless certain conditions are met. As part of

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Mortgage Administrators, Lenders, and Brokers: Are You Ready for October 11, 2024?

If your business is considered a Mortgage Lending Entity, effective October 11, 2024, you will be subject to Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing (AML/ATF) regulations, specifically related to the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA). In October, Mortgage Lending Entities will be considered “Reporting Entities” with obligations to report to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC).  Who is Considered a Mortgage Lending Entity: Mortgage Lending Entities include the entities below and function

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Important Deadline for Prescribed Rate Loans

If you have a prescribed rate loan as an income-splitting arrangement, with either a family member or with a family trust, the deadline to repay the 2023 interest on the loan is January 30, 2024. It is vital that the interest is paid in cash as failure to do so would cause the loss of the exemption from the attribution rules for not only that year, but all subsequent years. Given the increase in the prescribed rate to 6% as

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