• Private Company Compliance and Understanding Financial Statements (November 2019)
  • Introduction to Concepts of Estate Planning: A Case Study on Taxation, Litigation and Insurance (April 2019)
  • Estate Planning – Protecting Family Assets: A Case Study on Taxation, Litigation and Insurance (January 2019)
  • Post Mortem Tax Strategies, Changes to Investment Taxation and the Voluntary Disclosure Program – National Webinar (March 2018)
  • Changes to Taxation for Medical Professional Corporations (June 2017)
  • Private Company Financial Statements, Business Valuations and Wind-ups (March 2017)
  • The Benefits and Implications of Incorporation for Medical Professionals (October 2016)
  • Tax, Wealth and Estate Planning (December 2015)
  • Estate Planning for Private Business Owners (October 2014)